Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Superficial feed Surfing

I've realized that ever since I started using Netvibes as my home page my surfing habits have changed somewhat.

Instead of doing a deliberate search for something or even going to a specific site and reading through it, I'm scanning all my feeds, opening interesting ones up in new tabs and then reading each tab really, really quickly. This isn't even speed reading - its speed skimming. I'm pretty sure I'm missing a lot of the content but I think I'm usually picking up the gist of the article and this way I can get through more content in less time. Then, if I find something that interests me, instead of reading through it I save it to the hard drive for later reading - presumably when I'm bored.

So, in questioning this method I'm actually realizing that what I'm doing is just like reading the paper. You're not looking for anything specific, just keeping up with news.

I still get that feeling that I have to keep up with all the feeds though. Too much to keep up with!!! Don't know where to start... or end!!!

Anyway, I guess the answer is to just make mental notes of things I want to research and then set aside time for just that - and avoid the FEED DISTRACTIONS!!!!

I'm addicted to feeds.


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