If it isn't enough that their economy is in the toilet (inflation at 1000%), the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe is now committing human rights violations against anyone who dares to protest.
This is a video of some Zimbabweans attempting a peaceful protest and getting the shit beaten out of them by police.

What's frustrating and a little scary is that we here in South Africa are made fully aware of these atrocities being committed by Robert Mugabe. The media is constantly drawing attention to it, but our government does absolutely fuck all about it. Zimbabwe is our neighbour and since this has been going on, the most I have heard our government comment about it is that we are pursuing a "policy of quiet diplomacy" with Zimbabwe.
so far on Uncle Bob's time line of totalitarianism:
land reform - 95% of white farmers are kicked off their land and the land is given to war veterans
food shortages and famine - see above!
75% unemployment
highly disputed "free and fair" elections
and now human rights violations and banning demonstrations.
Uncle Bob is well on his way to achieving Saddam's status - except Saddam didn't destroy his economy!